save the belugas + polar bears~ vote!

I don’t intend for this blog to be my soapbox for my political views, but I happened to be doing image research on beluga whales for an illustration project and it coincided with reading this article in the New York Times this morning. Sarah Palin does not want...

embracing the ride

I was reading the SF Bike Coalition newsletter and started laughing at this interview of a family of bikers. Here is an excerpt from one of the kid bicyclists named Hannah, age 8:Q: What was it like the first time you rode without training wheels and you didn’t...

facing fear is scary. yo!

i faced some deep seated personal fears yesterday and came through on the other side. i want to share some wisdom that got me through it…. ask for help, acknowledge how scared you are no matter how irrational it may seem (really listen to that scared part of...