by mati | Jun 3, 2013 | fear facing, feast on your life
This poem is not a personal poem. This poem doesn’t care. This poem says “fuck it”. This poem is trying to adopt a “fuck it” attitude towards anything out of her control. Or anything within her control that is not about putting food on...
by mati | May 25, 2013 | Daring Adventures In Paint, fear facing, feast on your life
In the land of beginning again I’m trying to see who I am. What’s left behind. In the land of beginning again my girlfriend gave me a drill and I borrow a level. And my ELKBY IKEA shelves get put up in exchange for a burger. And in the land of beginning...
by mati | Apr 20, 2013 | Daring Adventures In Paint, fear facing, feast on your life, Uncategorized
I never said it was easy. No one has claimed this. To stare at a blank canvas. To make something out of nothing. This creating can be like teeth pulling or jumping off of a cliff with out any armor. It is hard. Especially the beginnings. I know this place intimately...
by mati | Apr 3, 2013 | Daring Adventures In Paint, fear facing, feast on your life, goodness and gratitude
On Daring Adventures… Big changes and celebrations continue over here! I just launched my Daring Adventures in Paint & Life ecourse! I’d love for you to join me: It’s been a looong time in the works + I’m ready to get this party started!...
by mati | Jun 21, 2012 | fear facing, feast on your life, goodness and gratitude, Uncategorized
I finally feel like I’m at a turning point where I have hope for the future. 7 months ago my husband who I was together with for 10 years and deeply in love with suddenly told me he wanted to be single. I’m learning this is a more common than I knew. This...
by mati | Feb 28, 2012 | fear facing, goodness and gratitude
I woke up this morning for the first time feeling like everything is going to be okay. It’s been 2 months since my husband moved out. I’ve been waking up every morning with amnesia and have had to remind myself of my new life. This morning I awoke in my...