fun stuff

* registration is now open for the JOY retreat i’m teaching at up on the oregon coast… painting, polaroids and cooking! and the sea :)* my friend cindy featured me recently for her sketchbook stories on an illustration i did for the cute magazine...

From Orchards, Fields, and Gardens

Come by this Saturday to celebrate my friend Shash’s Book launch of From OFG:Here are some photos from the inside from talented folks:I have a drawing and some photos in it too that I’ll post sometime soonish :)Hope you can stop by if you’re local!!...

ohhh aww

i just got the best new business idea! i was sitting at my favorite little beach in maine called seapoint and like a lightening bolt the name and concept of the business struck. nothing revolutionary and an extension of what i’m already doing, but it feels so...


hi,i’ve been feeling a bit quiet here on my blog as i’m a chatty cathy over on facebook. so much easier/quicker/automatic to connect with friends there, but really it’s makes me a little ADD. so, hello, i’m still here.i’ve been wanting to...

if someone wanted to take me on a date

i’d want to go to lolo on 22nd btw mission & valencia. shash & i took a walk yesterday and peeked in here and i love how well designed it is… mexican table cloth booths, freezer stencil paper peacock mirrors and inspired DIY design. the foodie in...