by mati | Feb 13, 2014 | artist crush, collabs, feast on your life, goodness and gratitude, heros/ people i admire/ artists i love/ friends
If you’re familiar with my dear friend Kelly Rae’s soulful art, you know that she has a gift for translating her heart to the canvas + weaving in words of comfort, grace, and authenticity. Good news for the rest of us: her new e-course teaches us how to do...
by mati | Feb 7, 2014 | artist crush, artist spotlight, heros/ people i admire/ artists i love/ friends
Have you ever tried image transfers? It’s an awesome technique to combine with painting and just on its own! I’m excited to share Courtney Cerruti’s “Playing with Image Transfers” book with you today. It is chock full of great ideas and...
by mati | Feb 4, 2014 | Daring Adventures In Paint, shoppe udate
Have you gotten sucked in by the awesomeness of society6 yet?? It’s an amazing platform that turns fine art into fabulous products. I’m talking iPhone cases, laptop skins, and all kinds of tech goodies… plus beautiful stationary, mugs, throw pillows,...