Blame Sally Awards
I thought I'd share this post by my Husband Hugh from his blog!The poster design that my wife Mati McDonough and I did last year for our friends in the band Blame Sally just keeps getting awards. Earlier in the year the poster was featured in the Society of...
new art in the shop
new prints for you here! xxx
Sweet Playspace
I was in disbelief when a couple friends wrote me saying they saw my art in Better Homes & Garden's May issue. I thought, no way, why wouldn't I know about it? Must be someone else. Sure enough, when I finally tracked down a copy there were 2 of my prints in this...
Surtex oh Surtex
I've been wanting to go to the New York surface design show called Surtex for years! I love textile design and pattern making and I really wanted to see the show in person. Last year however I chickened out due to the cost of the flight, hotel and NYC livin' and for...
enormous tiny
it's funny i'm on vacation here in maine (right over the border from new hampshire) where the headquarters of most of the enormous tiny shows are, but this time it's in LA! go figure!these are my new eta paintings available here!i really really will post some pics...
and the winner….
of jenny's adorable headband: CEB who was picked randomly by hugh and commented love!it goes perfectly with this photo kelly took of me a couple days ago at the dreamiest store in NYC... ABC Carpet & Home. It's like Anthropologie on steroids with 6 floors and...
yo-yo headbands
Aren't these the cutest?! My insanely creative intern Jenny has launched a new business called Jenuine Ruby! These are her adorable daughters modeling her new yo-yo headbands. I just ordered one for myself and can't wait to wear it. It seems like an easy way to hair...
peeking out to say hello
i've been quiet lately! it usually comes with busyness, but i've also been feeling lost for words on what to share. i'll start with myself in my new bathroom. it's a wonder what a new perspective will do. our old bathroom was tiny, dark and had a loud fan (6 years of...
Patagonia Tees & Show!
These new Patagonia shirts of mine are out! I have been wearing mine constantly. I love the fit and organic cotton feel--nice long torso and very flattering neckline! I also really appreciate Patagonia as a company. I like that they value sustainability, use organic...
where i’ve been lately
roadtripping to palm springs with 2 girlfriends, snuffly sick and moving to a new beautiful & quiet apartment with a lemon tree.... all in one week. yes, it's possible. insane, but possible.highlights:the glowing red entry of our hotelblissflights of bacon- dr...