ohh ahhh
I love, love, love when people send me photos of where my art ends up! It's the best feeling in the world to see it! Please feel free to keep sending them: matimcd(at)hotmail(dot)comHere are some recent snaps: Stylin' Justina's corner with my feather power print in...
it’s true
a corner of my studio captured by my friend stef, who having just peeked, i saw she has some wildly beautiful photos and poems happening on her blog right now. xoxomati
Dream Lab with Mondo Beyondo & Brene Brown
I'm writing this quickly all fuzzy with an ear ache... because I truly believe this class is going to be incredible and potentially life changing, actually most likely it will change your life for the better. Both Mondo Beyondo and Brene have absolutely changed mine....
photo creditafter much thought, i finally decided on my "word of the year"= nourishment! last year (well mid-year really) i chose abundance and i feel it really happened in every aspect of my life, including dress size unfortunately;)i feel sick for the 3rd time with...
Get Your Paint On!
I'm thrilled to announce my painting ecourse with my pal Lisa Congdon! We've been cooking this class up for a long time and it's exciting to finally put it out in the world! Read more and sign up below or here too! Get Your Paint On: A Five Week Painting Class with...
Renegade Craft Fair!
Come by local Bay area folks to Renegade! I'll be at booth #203 pretty close to the entrance (note the event is changed and at the concourse this year, NOT fort mason!). I'll have many gifties and stocking stuffers for you! I'll be sharing with the talented Lisa...
mini cupcakes and a birthday month sale!
sweets,i've been remiss in writing here. there are big exciting things brewing and dream lists to write for 2011 and a birthday month to celebrate. and holiday parties. and children to babysit for. and paintings to be made. and hikes to be had. and movies to be...
Happy Mati Day & a sale!!
Hi friends!It's Mati's assistant, Tiffany here with some news!Today is Mati's birthday!!! While Mati's out celebrating her awesomeness, I wanted to do a quick post to wish her a happy birthday, but also to let you all know that we're celebrating Mati Day (ooh, did I...
pop up shop
humbly seeking imagery
me in ttv by andreadid i tell you about taking pictures like elephants in the rain at the laundry mat? we looked at the images upside and backwards and tiny like herds of humble elephants bowed down with long trunks as the rain pitter pattered on our hands. hula...