digging deep
Our RE:CONNECT--Get Unstuck & Find Your Magic class begins in a week and I am looking forward to diving in with the excitement and curiosity that comes with starting the first day of school. I feel it with every cell in my being that this class was born at exactly...
Reconnection + Rebirth
Easy + Soulful Friendship My friend Willo and I clicked right away. Every Monday morning we were part of a Ladies Independent Design League, where we inspired each other, processed our challenges and held each other accountable as self-employed creatives. ...
book celebration recap!
I wanted to celebrate my book Daring Adventures In Paint at Rare Device because I <3 the owners Giselle + Phurba (as well as the former owners Lisa + Rena) and it's a favorite store of mine in SF and I'm sentimental like that. Here I am with Giselle and our...
daring adventures in paint: the video
daring adventures in paint from alakim on Vimeo. Thank you to super talented and generous Kim Thompson Steel for the video! And always to the magic Leslie Sophia Lindell for the photography for my book-- forever grateful. And all the beautiful friends and neighbors...
last week i was in the style section of the sf chronicle! this was definitely a fun first! thank you ahn-minh for the great feature:)
It’s tonight People!
Come on out to Rare Device! I'll be there from 6-9pm signing books (available for sale there). If You Can't Make the Book Party: Order Daring Adventures In Paint! Available directly from me signed and with a limited edition print from the book here! You can have a...
show the world your magic
This has been a wild ride so far! I'm so grateful for the people in my life: from the guy at the print shop below... to my friends Monica, Stef and Andrea who helped me have a book mailing party! To all of you who ordered my book and wrote sweet reviews already!...
process of creating Daring Adventures in Paint
I wrote this a couple weeks ago when I only had the one author copy in my hands. Now it has shipped earlier than expected on Amazon! I am deeply honored by the positive reviews so far! Thank you. I am in love with this book and it feels so good to hold it in my...
working backwards
I finally feel like I'm at a turning point where I have hope for the future. 7 months ago my husband who I was together with for 10 years and deeply in love with suddenly told me he wanted to be single. I'm learning this is a more common than I knew. This quick...
books, business and boys
I'm so excited to share this delicious workshop at Teahouse with my super talented British friend Susannah Conway! When: Sunday, July 15th 11am - 3pm Registration: $195 (includes beautiful catered brunch and lush beverages) Note: Class is limited to 20 participants so...