hey there, early bird

The spring session of Daring Adventures in Paint + Life is available at this super early bird price… but only for a couple more days! Register now for the lowest price ever 🙂 *************

my virtual studio: a peek inside

Last week my extraordinary students completed the most recent session of my e-course. I was sincerely blown away by the swell of creativity, vulnerability, and boldness I got to witness each week — not to mention all the gorgeous art! I want to share a peek into...

painting on ceramics

Pissy kitty plate in chartreuse painted by moi a while back with Lisa  I didn’t love it at first, but it’s growing on me. Painting on Clay is HARD! It’s always good to push yourself creatively and experiment with new mediums to keep yourself fresh,...

my new children’s book!

It was such a dream come true to work on this kid’s book to illustrate one of my favorite poems and poets ever:  “i carry your heart with me” by ee cummings. [i carry your heart with me(i carry it in] BY E. E. CUMMINGS i carry your heart with me(i...