by mati | Jul 30, 2013 | Daring Adventures In Paint
Summer = vacation. It’s simply meant to be. If you haven’t had the chance to get away yet… there’s still time, my friend. It’s never too late to choose your joy! I’m getting all giddy about my big summer vacation next month: Art...
by mati | Jul 19, 2013 | Daring Adventures In Paint, fear facing, feast on your life
This 6 week ecourse is not just about painting — it’s about being daring in art & life! What you do on the canvas mirrors the bold steps you take in your life! This course is for anyone who wants to strengthen their creative muscles,be inspired on a...
by mati | Jun 20, 2013 | Uncategorized
Summertime… …and the living’s easy. The sun-glazed streets make everything feel a little brighter and more hopeful, like magic could be hiding around any corner. New home decor line! Shiny new energy — and products! — abound in the...
by mati | Jun 11, 2013 | show the world your magic
We all have a bit of magic in us, our own special brand of something wonderful. I want to encourage each of you to find whatever is within you and to trust it, to work toward it and to be faithful to it until it has landed solid within you, and you can recognize it on...
by mati | Jun 3, 2013 | fear facing, feast on your life
This poem is not a personal poem. This poem doesn’t care. This poem says “fuck it”. This poem is trying to adopt a “fuck it” attitude towards anything out of her control. Or anything within her control that is not about putting food on...