thank YOU to everyone who bought my art! i’ve never had that happen so quickly– over 10 pieces sold in under an hour and i am so. very. grateful. my heart is swelling at your generosity.
here are a few elephant paintings that are still available!
wish big, sweet darling! (little bear not included)
i love how the purple elephant is crackled like real ellie skin!
and the cutest pretend game… ellie-go-phant

i also wanted to share some photos my lucky elephants in people’s homes. if you’ve ever bought my original paintings or prints, i’d looove to see how you display them.

here’s the rest of anna’s dreamy space
i think i may have shared rosie’s room before, but it’s so cute, it’s worth sharing again. she got that ellie canvas through oopsy daisy (they just emailed to say that their canvas sides are even thicker + more high quality than ever)! or a large print here.
andrea corona jenkin’s daughter ava’s room with my large red ellie print or smaller ones too!