i received this danish magazine in the mail last week and have been swooning over the style. i wish i could read it, but it adds a little, well a lot, of mystery.

thanks for the art inclusion! i love this lady’s aesthetic. (i think she would fancy my tiger kitten onesies too, don’t you? i need to make some more for the upcoming renegade!) the painting featured in the mag is called “speaking 1,000 languages” and available here as a print. i love the idea of the title suggesting internationalism and then to see it in a magazine in another language rocks.

can i tell you what i really love about this magazine? honestly it’s the numerous photos of women openly breast-feeding. it’s so refreshing! we’re in the midst of a baby boom among our friends (we’ve hosted 3 showers on our rooftop in the past few months) and i love it when my friends feel comfortable nursing in public. i don’t know why this is controversial? it seems so natural. I’m with the danes on this one!