I don’t intend for this blog to be my soapbox for my political views, but I happened to be doing image research on beluga whales for an illustration project and it coincided with reading this article in the New York Times this morning. Sarah Palin does not want to list Belugas on the endangered species list despite a 50% decline since the 1990’s. Furthermore she doesn’t want the listing to restrict coastal and offshore drilling~
As with the polar bear, Ms. Palin’s administration opposed the beluga listing in part because of its potential to restrict coastal and offshore oil and gas development. The beluga listing could also affect other projects, including the expansion of the Port of Anchorage and a proposed bridge over Knik Arm that would connect Anchorage to the Matanuska-Susitna Valley and Ms. Palin’s hometown, Wasilla.
Please Vote for Obama. If for no other reason than to curtail our environmental crisis. Imagine where a leader who supports decisions like these will take us.