i’ve been really into drawing 2×2 inch squares of doodles to brainstorm compositions. so little pressure in 2 inches, but big impact of overall feel. and it’s so easy to fill quick… have fun and try! then scan & fill colors {mine are a lil’ 1/2 assed, but good for gen idea}.
i have less than 2 weeks left of my first semester of school for illustration! may 6 we will parteee! kate wc & i have already made a date for tamarind margaritas at the little boabab. yippee!
what have i learned? me oh my. i can’t wait to really reflect on that. as if there’s going to be a magic point when my life slows down and i’ll be able to fully process. maybe when i’m eighty two {and have finally paid off my student loans}. hee.
paper due tomorrow. blah blah.
illo sketch too. our teacher said he was dissapointed in our previous sketches so this one has to be a good. my classmate who re-took the class for fun said that he said that last year too, and that it’s a “teaching tool”. anyhow, it is motivating and paralyzing, simultaneously. plus i have cramps… it is so so so telling when i feel insecure about my art/ PMS are aligned. whoa! sorry if that’s a little toooo much info, but it is so real. i need to put a big sign in my studio- “YOU ARE PMSing your art does not totally suck- check back in a week”.
i miss my BFF today. where is she?