It was such a dream come true to work on this kid’s book to illustrate one of my favorite poems and poets ever: “i carry your heart with me” by ee cummings.
[i carry your heart with me(i carry it in]

I love many of the spreads, but here is a peek at a few! In this interpretation it’s a love story between a mother and child, that is mirrored in the love between the elephant parent and child, birds and trees as they all grow from pregnancy to infancy to… going off to school in the final spread. I worked in a new way artistically by creating collage and taping the cut paper to the paintings and allowing there to be a shadow behind the art. Honestly, this happened by accident when I was taping the art for client approval to glue down and I really loved the effect! Happy creative “accidents” are the best<3
Available for pre-order here and save the date for Mrs. Dalloway’s launch event, scheduled for Thursday, March 27th in the evening. If you know of a bookstore or boutique that would be a good fit for a book signing, please get in touch: matirose(at)gmail(dot)com.
I worked on this project this summer with a wonderful husband + wife team of Cameron & Company publishers and editor Amy Novesky and designer Sara Gillingham.
From the lovely publisher Cameron & Company: Happy Valentines Day! Enter to win an advance copy of ‘I Carry Your Heart With Me,’ which features poetry by E.E. Cummings and art by Mati Rose McDonough. Open Instagram, follow us, and give our image a ‘like’:
Also ‘like’ our brand new page for the book!